Train Travel
What is the difference between Suica and PASMO?
Suica and PASMO are issued by different companies, but they work the same way.
In many cases, they can be used in the same shops and for taking public transport.
Please see the pages below for further information.
In addition to Suica and Pasmo, different types of IC cards are issued in various regions throughout Japan. All of them work in the same way and are available across the region.
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Articles in this section
- Where can I purchase the JAPAN RAIL PASS in Japan?
- How do I estimate the various fares of public transportation in Japan?
- I plan on traveling to Japan during the Japanese holiday season. Will I have a problem booking a Shinkansen train?
- Can I purchase tickets or make reservations for JR trains in advance?
- We will travel from Sapporo in Hokkaido to Oita in Kyushu and many cities in between. Is it possible to get a single train ticket that will allow unlimited journeys on all routes across the country?
- Are there IC cards that I can use for traveling on public transporation?
- Can I buy a JAPAN RAIL PASS from your office?
- What is the difference between Suica and PASMO?
- How long does it take to get to Kyoto or Osaka from Tokyo by train?
- Is it true that trains are the most convenient way to travel in Japan?
- Are there any regional passes?
- Is it good value to buy a JR Pass for my route?